Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Dark Tunnel

I went into a dark tunnel Monday night and I am just now seeing the light at the end, so I know I have found my way out, Thank You God!  The chemo is "doing its thing," but unfortunately it kills off all my good  cells along the way.  Yesterday was the darkest for me so far.  In bed all day, pain, nausea, then spiked a fever, resulting in an emergency call to the Cancer Center.  Let me back up a minute.  When we went for our instruction visit on what to expect with Chemo, they gave us 6 prescriptions to have filled before we started the chemo, they know what they are doing because we had every med available for any issues.  Anyway, back to my story, Bill called the emergency number and an oncologist answered us immediately and told us what to start taking.  We got that under control and my sweet guy helped me to the bathroom, on the way back I fainted.   I don't remember anything.  Bill is recovering from shoulder replacement surgery, so picture this,  my Herculean Man pulled me to the bed with one arm and got me in the bed.  And those that know us know we have a high bed to get in.  He told me later how he did it, can't believe it!  He probably should have just left me on the floor for awhile!

We went to the Cancer Center for my labs and to quote the PA, "baby your numbers are in the toilet!"  My blood pressure was very low and I was still feeling like a limp noodle.  I certainly did not take the time today to wear my earrings and pearls!  They sent us back to the infusion section and I was given IV fluids and a steroid.  Tomorrow we go to the hospital for 2 units of blood.  I will feel like a new person.  I am in bed tonight doing my blog.  But, let me tell you I feel like all my prayer warriors have been out there with their motors running.  I could feel the love.

My sister-in-law Joanne (Bill's sister), gave me a small book a couple of years ago during my last battle with this dreadful disease, titled Prayers for a Woman of Faith.  I have read it so much and it brings me comfort.  My favorite passage is 2 Chronicles 20:15, 17:  Do not be afraid or discouraged.  The battle is not yours, but God's.  Stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.  The Lord will be with you.

My faith gets me through my set gives me the courage to put each baby step I take just that much closer to beating cancer.

I talked with my son Wade and my little granddaughter Katie tonight.....high light of my day!  Aimee was with Nathan at Karate tonight, maybe I will get to chat with them tomorrow.  Goodnight for now.  God Bless You All.


  1. It is hard to imagine what you went through. It hurts that we were not able to help. Remember that Jean and I can be there in 5 minutes, with masks and gloves.

    1. You guys are too funny, I can just picture the both of you in your Haz Mat gear coming to our door! Love you!

  2. I agree with Serge. We can even sit in the next room when Bill is at therapy. We are sitting over here a few minutes away with NOTHING to do! No kidding! I can't believe that your "hellish" time began so soon.

    1. Hey Jean, I've always been "eager" to start new projects, I just don't think I was ever thinking about Chemo being one of the projects! Love you girl!

  3. I am Elaine, Candy's friend. She told me about your cancer. I'm so sorry to hear about this. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

    Hope you're doing okay.

    1. Love that you are reading my blog Candy. And Elaine, my husband and I gladly accept your prayers, thank you for caring.

  4. There is a song performed by Yolanda Adams called "The Battle is Not Yours it's the Lord's". It is really a great song. You could probably look it up on YouTube. Stay strong!

    1. I will look the song up Wesley, thanks. I miss seeing you on Sundays! John is gracious enough to send me a CD of your music and the service for me to listen to. Joan and John are one of the treasures at Hopewell. Love you lots.
