Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Doctor, Doctor Give Me The News......

Okay you ask, " give me what news?"  Well, it sure isn't, "I've got a bad case of loving you," from my title song!  Approximately 2 weeks ago, I got what I thought was a case of poison ivy, WRONG ASSUMPTION, it was actually a case of the Shingles!  I did not know much about shingles before, but I do now!  Who would have thought that having Chickenpox as a young child would come back to "bite" me when I  am in my supposed "golden years."  I think the poor chicken gets a bad rap on this one!  I actually like chickens; even painted a picture of one a few years ago.  Anyway, look out all you seniors out there, if you had chickenpox as a child this can happen to you as well.  I pray that shingles never afflicts you.  It is not very pleasant to say the least!  Evidently, according to the doctor, I had many strikes against me.  Not only did I have chickenpox as a child, I have cancer (lymphoma), have had extensive chemotherapy, and am what you call a "senior,"  and get this, if you are under a lot of STRESS, it may cause an outbreak of Shingles.  Well, I get an "A+," I have all the right answers, YIPPEE, SKIPPY!!  Not much a person can do once you get Shingles, except take the prescribed anti-viral drug, Acyclovir.  I have to take it for 14 days (5 capsules a day.)  Every time I turn around I am taking a pill.  I am using a few other items to help with the blisters.  Here is a picture of my "attack arsenal!"   Don't think for a minute that I am actually going to show you a picture of my shingles, you will have to take my word on how they look, not pretty!   I take Tylenol for the pain, and believe me it is painful.

Okay, I can hear you now, "what is she using the apple cider vinegar for?"  Well, you know me, I looked on the net to check out  "home remedies" for shingles.  The only one I was willing to try was the apple cider vinegar.  It actually helps with the pain.  Don't ask me how it works, but it has helped me. 

Anyway, I called the Stem Cell Transplant folks last week to tell them I came down with Shingles; they did not seem too concerned, they just added the extra week of the medicine Acyclovir.  I thought for sure they would postpone the transplant, but no everything is still a "go" for the procedure.  Bill and I travel to Greenville tomorrow for a battery of pre-transplant tests.  Pray everything goes well for me.

Okay, to end on a happy note, here is a picture of my "happy chicken," I don't think I will name her Shingles though!!!

Okay Jean I can hear you now, "why didn't she crop her picture?"  You ought to know me by now sweet girl, I am what you might refer to as a quirky kind of girl.  Love you lots!

Love to all of you, this blog keeps me going!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Quirky, we love you the way you are! Don't ever change! From the previous blog, we will even start looking for that hot pink bikini, maybe even a polka dot one!
