Feeling great one minute, then "boom" everything went down hill! Started day before yesterday, the diarrhea from all the antibiotics got the best of me. It is a side effect that I will have to manage for another week. I am better today, the doctor has put me on Lomotil (for diarrhea) along with taking Imodium tablets. At home, I would adhere to the strict instructions on the box, not to take too much. Well, that goes out the window when you are in the hospital, they give you as much as needed. Also, feeling somewhat nauseated yesterday, did not get out of the bed much, no exercise, but I feel a little better today. The nurses started the Neupogen injections yesterday. That is the drug that will increase my white count. I will be taking it for 6 days. All of this is to be expected, I am just hanging in there. Night before last, I was at a low point, I think I actually felt the "Indians surrounding my stagecoach!" I had to do some deep, down in the gut praying to get me through it. The nurses are so fantastic, nothing fazes them, they sweep in like birds, clean you up and make everything right again. But, believe me it is so humbling to be put in situations that I normally can handle myself.
I have been listening to my gospel CD's, and other music that I brought, which has helped me very much. There is just something about listening to a simple CD of the ocean sounds that can calm you down. I am glad I thought to plan ahead with my music!
I looked at all my cards that Bill brought me the other day, so beautiful and such heartfelt prayers for me. I am blessed to have so many on my side, wanting me to win!
My sister-in-law, Sandra and my brother Brent met a wonderful lady on a cruise a few months ago. Sandra told me her story. She has been cancer free for 12 years after surviving stage 4 cancer. The lady has a son in a wheel chair. The lady made a scarf, and I believe her prayers are woven into the scarf for me. Here is a picture of me with the scarf on. Very beautiful! Thank you Sandra and Brent.
I will continue to stay positive, and believe that as so many others believe, my healthiest years are ahead of me! I look forward to the future with friends and family. Every word, kindness, and deed that you do for me and my Bill will never be forgotten. You all sustain me. God Bless You All.
Hang in there girl!! In a few days those "Indians" will fade away and your stagecoach will be on its way once again. We shall see Bill this evening and hope to see you next week when you are allowed to have pesky visitors.