Saturday, September 29, 2012

How Blue Can You Get

I know it has only been approximately a week since my last post, but "life" is just throwing me a few too many screw balls!  First I'm up and then I'm down, I just want things to go uphill at a steady pace, not jump so erratically.  There it is "no patience" raising it's ugly head again!

Okay what I'm talking about, remember me discussing my lab numbers last week?  Just a "catch up," in case you missed it.  I went to my oncologist last week and Neutrophil (NE) count was 0.6 (my infection fighters) and my lymphocyte (LY) count was 67.1.  Neither number was in the range they should be after 60-70 days since my stem cell transplant.  Last week, because of the numbers problem I was given an Injection of Neupogen (in the tummy).  I only needed Tylenol last week.

I went back for a recheck again on Wednesday this week and the NE count had bumped to 0.8 and the LY count fell to 58.9.  Not good enough for the doctor, so I got another Neupogen injection.  This time within 5 hours, my hips, thighs and even my hands hurt very, very bad.  Deep bone pain, headache and I felt lousy, like I was coming down with the flu (but I really wasn't; it was just the side effects of the Neugogen.)  I took a Percocet pain pill and went to bed (I rarely take a pain pill) so you have to assume how bad I felt.  On Thursday, I felt a little better but wondered why I felt like a truck had run over me.  Yesterday, I felt good, just a little fatigued.  Today, I feel pretty good, so I am climbing back up the "feelin good" hill, yea!!

My good friend Bonnie, so creative she is, sent me this card she made.  It did lift my spirits, now I just need my numbers to start moving in the right direction.

I was so upbeat on Tuesday, before the Wednesday doctor visit.  I drove myself to physical therapy, it was a beautiful afternoon.  After therapy was finished I drove home on our country roads with the sun roof open and the warm sun shining, radio turned up loud, listening to B.B. King sing "How Blue Can You Get!" And, on Thursday evening we were invited to supper with some of our dear friends.  I was really looking forward to the visit.  I have not been out much lately, boo hoo!  Well, we had to cancel the supper date, because I was so sick.

That's what I'm talking about dear friends and bloggers, this cancer thingy has put me down since Wednesday.  I am having a hard time getting back on a positive mode.  I know all the standard answers and the circumstances of my life which are pushing at me just a tad too hard right now.  It is that old "patience" thing again.  Believe me I trust in God to love me on the good days and the not so good days, and He is probably just waiting on me right now to trust in Him.  Okay, friends, family and fellow bloggers, I guess I need to get on my phone to God right now, He's waiting on me and I know he will never disappoint me, so hang in there God, I'm calling right now to say this blog has got me over my pity party!  I am ready to live again and never give up.  I feel so good now that I want to show you some beautiful flowers in my garden that God has provided to comfort me.

I think the bottom yellow flowers are asters of some sort.  They always bloom this time of year without any help from me.  And the little lavender flowers were dug up for me by a neighbor of my son in Atlanta, many, many years ago.  I have no idea what it is.  The neighbor did purchase plants from the Atlanta Botanical Society when they would have some of their plants on sale.  Maybe someone out there in Blog-a-sphere space may know what it is.  It blooms like this every year, spring and fall when the weather is cool.

I feel so much better now, thanks for listening to my whining.  I am ready for next week's lab work and I will cross that "number" bridge when it gets here.  God Bless Each And Every One Of You.


  1. Hey, Glenda, I can relate. Patience is fine, when it's twenty minutes. With your road, it has stretched to any person's taxing mark on the path! You are wise to wait with God, and to lean on Bill. No one loves you more. I do believe every moment of life is sacred. That lavendar flower is so like life...the connections are everywhere between people seen and unseen. I will post you a saying from Einstein that means so much to me. You are a good patient; has anyone told you that? Your whining is not ranting and raving; it is making a small noise to let others know you are suffering, and we want to know when you are. Lots of love from all of us down here in Tampa.

  2. Sorry for the bad week. We're all rooting for you here (well, not Nell, yet, as she is off in Hollywood Beach for the weekend, so we'll give her your blog when she returns. You are more special that that sparrow - the fabled bird in the field. So hang on a little longer. Confident that you'll be back to smelling the flowers very soon. Hugs, Brian and Ann
