Sunday, November 11, 2012

Down for the count......but not out!

It was a gorgeous sunny day driving to Greenville on Monday afternoon, November 5, 2012.  We were on our way to visit my stem cell transplant doctor.  Of course I had my list of questions to ask her and she had a few for me.  Mine came first: 1) should I get a flu shot? answer, yes........2) keep taking Bactrim? answer, yes........3) should I continue to wear a surgical mask when out in the public? answer, no (counts are okay)...........4) What about eating in a restaurant? answer, yes...........5) Is it okay to have a glass of wine now and then? answer, this point she was putting me on the table and it was her turn for questions!  Yes, I completed the Oncology Rehab and take walks as much as possible.  Appetite is good, I just don't gain any weight.  I'm telling you it's all that darn healthy stuff, you need to have a big jam filled doughnut once in a while, duh!  Anyway, the take away message from that appointment was "no restrictions," using common sense of course.

So back to my first question, Yes, get the flu shot.  We stopped at our local CVS Pharmacy on the way home, and guess what, I did not wear my surgical mask.  I filled out the consent form for the flu shot and sat down to wait my turn.  Of course, the two little boys "coughing" sitting next to their mother unnerved me, but I had just been cleared to not wear the mask (that is when my common sense should have kicked in and hit me on the head to put on your mask, but God forbid I offend someone, get real next time Glenda!  Wear the darn mask when in doubt!)

I guess by now you have guessed where I am going with this story...........Yes, I did receive the flu vaccine about 6:00 p.m. Monday evening.  We did several things on Tuesday out and about, even ended the day having dinner with friends and I had my first glass of wine!  Started feeling "rough" Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, could hardly talk, I was very hoarse.  I figured it was because I talked too loud (music was a little loud in the restaurant).  But, oh no that was not to be, I started going down hill from there.  Long story, to short one, when my temperature reached 103.9, Bill called the cancer center, their answer go to the emergency room.  I swear I should have a name plate on one of their exam rooms because I have been there so much in the last year.

I told them I had a flu shot Monday evening.  They said it takes about 2 weeks for the vaccine to be effective, oh great!  Anyway, they did the nose swab, blood test, chest X-ray and urine test.  I failed the first two tests and passed the second two.  It was confirmed that I had A-Type influenza.  They called my stem cell doc and my oncologist to let them know the results.  I am taking my regular stem cell meds plus Tamiflu and Tylenol.  For at least three days, I have been in bed with fever and aches.  My fever finally broke yesterday evening and my voice is coming back slowly.

Do not let my story be a reason for you to skip your flu shot this year,  just the opposite.  I have received a flu shot every year for a very long time with no problems.  It was not the flu vaccine that gave me the flu it was someone (a live person) in the pharmacy Monday evening that spread their germs to me!  After all, I am a little different right now.  I am still the 68 year old woman on the outside, but my immune system was only 119 days old Monday night.  Think about it, my stem cells are like those of a 3-4 month old baby!

This whole episode reminds me of the "Scarlet Letter," by Nathaniel Hawthorne.  I should read it again some day.  From what I remember the Scarlet Letter A represented something sort of sinister, but I am just going to choose my own meaning, another badge of courage that I believe once again comes from a higher power that continues to dig me out of whatever "jam" I'm in!

Also, a funny side note.  A mutual friend of ours (a retired doctor, and chairman of the board of directors at the hospital) said I was the second confirmed case of the flu in SC.  What, not first!  Oh well, second best will have to do.  A living, breathing statistic is a good thing!

One last note:  CVS Pharmacy did give me a "shopping pass" for receiving the flu shot!
To repeat,  please DO get a flu shot, I am not the usual patient, so don't use my story to make it yours!  I will continue to receive a flu vaccine each year with a doctor's okay. Love all of you that continue to read my blog, God Bless You!

1 comment:

  1. What a bummer to you, Number 2 flu victim in your state. So glad that you are on the mend. hang in. We're all rooting for you down here in Miami. Hugs, Nell, Brian, Ann
