Sunday, June 16, 2013

Obstacle Course

Wow, it feels so good to be able to write on my blog today.  I know it has been awhile since I have communicated via my blog, but when cancer is "at bay" I have enjoyed tending to other activities.  I will catch you up on my "life," a wonderful word to say.

Last year was the color white for me.  It came in the form of many, many visits to hospitals, doctors, nurses, labs, etc.  White truly was not my favorite color last year.  But, oh so different this year.  If I could call last year the marathon of white, this year has only been an obstacle course of white.  I had cataract surgery since we last communicated and the latest obstacle is dealing with a Squamous Cell Carcinoma on my upper lip.  Here is a picture of me taken before the skin cancer surgery, and if you look close, you can detect a red area just above my lip.  Believe me I will not scare you with the pictures taken after the MOHS surgery to remove the cancerous area.  This past Friday, a plastic surgeon did reconstructive surgery to put my little broken lip back together.  It doesn't look well yet, lots of stitches, but I have enormous faith that I will be wearing lipstick again real soon.
No more blond, hair came in light brown and somewhat curly!

I have had to drink my coffee with a straw!  You know me, it is hard to stop the coffee habit!  But, oh those "Frosty's" are so good as well!  I still need to add a few pounds, but darn, how can a girl eat when her lip is "broken."

Back to the color white.  This beautiful sunny Sunday morning I walked outside, and from my front porch I could see lots of white flowers in my yard.  I grabbed my camera to take some pictures for you to enjoy.
Gardenia bush, smells lovely!
My Easter Lilies

I believe all this white has revealed itself to me today, letting me feel the assurance that my faith in God is real and that I will not falter.  It gives me hope for a possible new beginning.  I saw figs on our trees and blueberries on a bush that were not there last year.  So for those of you that may falter in your faith from time to time, think of me and I hope that your faith will be renewed.  There is something to be said for patience.

It was a hard choice to make to downsize and move closer to our family.  We have listed our home for sale.  It is a great home and will continue to be a great home for another family.  After all, I became a cancer survivor here.  With family support and the continued strength and comfort I receive each day from God, I will continue to meet each new challenge with grace.  For all of you that have not been able to visit us in South Carolina.  Take a small tour by visiting us on the website.  Type in Westminster, SC and look up lakeandland realty (101 Weeks Way).  One final picture from a distance; me sitting on my front porch swing, so you can't see my poor little broken lip!
Penny for your thoughts........... 

God Bless all that take the time to read my blog.  Happy Father's Day!  I think of my sweet, strong Dad and Grandpa up in Heaven and hope they are proud of me.  Sending all my love........