Monday, July 9, 2012

Biscuits n' Gravy

Yesterday was the big day for my stem cell transplant.  I woke up to Biscuits n' Gravy, honeydew melon, orange juice, bacon and coffee.  My southern roots kicked in with that scrumptious breakfast.  The Lord provided me a beautiful sunny day for the event.

I had a surprise the day before though, I thought it was going to be my free day, but oh no, one more chemo in the afternoon that lasted an hour.  The drug was Melphan (a toxic chemo, nitrogen mustard compound.)  I had to chew on ice the entire time and 30 minutes after.  This drug can cause mouth sores, so I have to rinse my mouth a lot with a saline solution many times a day, to help prevent the sores!

The stem cell process started at 1:30 p.m. yesterday and finished around 4:00 p.m.  It was quite a process.  Bill took some pictures.  Here are a few:
This picture is of the nurse taking a bag of the stem cells out of the dry ice container that was brought over from The Blood Connection, where it was stored.  Then they go through a processing of exact timing to defrost the cells just a little, a minute here, then another 5 minutes in a warmer tray.  The cells have to be hung and infused within 10 minutes.  Then they repeat the process.  I had 6 bags to infuse.  The nurses are checking my vital signs every 15 minutes. 
 This is what a bag of stem cells looks like ready to be infused into my body.  It was not painful, just tiring to lay in the bed not moving much. 

Here is a picture of my stem cell transplant nurses.  I can't say enough about all the excellent care I am getting here at the hospital. 

I was put back on the drug Lasix (diuretic) because I am still retaining too much fluid.  I weighed 116 this morning, WHOA!  My face looks like a Cheshire Cat this morning, very round, at least the wrinkles have smoothed out!

I was started on lots of antibiotics and anti-viral meds this morning.  This week will be the toughest, so I will take each day as it comes and work through it.  I am reminded of the song, Be Happy, Don't Worry.   I think it was sung back in the 80's.  My favorite version was by Bob Marley. 

So everyone out there, please do the same, Be Happy, Don't Worry!  I am in the right place to conquer this cancer.  God Bless Everyone!

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