Monday, February 20, 2012

A brief history

Well, you ask, what made me pick "To Hell and Back" as the title of my Blog........realistically it is the title of a war film released in 1955 starring Audie Murphy (I was a skinny 11 year old in 1955.)  But, really, in my minds eye my cancer battle is somewhat like a war drama.  And now I have been told the heavy artillery needs to be used to fight another battle in this war on cancer.

I would be re-miss if I did not go back a few years and tell you how I arrived at today.......once upon a time a 5' 2", yellow-haired, 63 year old (in 2008) was enjoying each and every day of her retirement, when after a seemingly innocent doctor visit for what I thought might be indigestion or gallbladder family doctor's nurse called and said the doctor wants to see you in his office this morning......well, I was in the midst of having my girlfriends over for our weekly watercolor "get-together" and lunch, so I innocently said, "can I come tomorrow, I have something planned for today?"  Well, that was the WRONG ANSWER, the nurse said emphatically, NO, the doctor wants to see you now......needless to say I thought to you're scaring me....not a nice thing to do!  So on a beautiful summer day in 2008 I was diagnosed with Non- Hodgkin Follicular B-Cell Lymphoma.  Some folks would say, oh that's the good kind of cancer, personally I don't find any kind of cancer good, I guess they meant well, I forgive them.

I did not Blog or talk much about my first two rounds of chemotherapy.  The second round put me in remission for 2 years.  I was feeling so good, enjoying all my many hobbies and visiting family and friends often..........and then just when I was so comfortable with my new found life, a regular check up with a PET scan showed new cancer above and below my diaphragm.  Follows is a short timeline to get you to the present:
  • October, 2011 - regular annual check up with PET Scan
  • November 11, 2011 - Routine colonoscopy to check anemia and why blood in stool
  • Slight deviation to the schedule - while having the colonoscopy my spleen was ruptured (they said later that thin folks are at a greater risk for this to happen.  Well, why didn't they tell me this earlier, I would have bulked up on pie and ice cream!!  Anyway, result was 5 days in the hospital.
  • December 15, 2011 - Received the first kidney biopsy. (fine needle), pathology was inconclusive.
  • I thought, okay great the PET and CT scans were Bill and I went off merrily to visit the kids and grandkids for 2 weeks at Christmas in Maryland.
  • January, 2012 - arrived home to a message to call and schedule a second kidney biopsy, WHAT?????  My oncologist said he wanted a "do-over,"  not satisfied with first results,  Well that was disappointing to say the least!
  • January 24, 2012 - Repeated kidney biopsy, this time using a core needle to get a better tissue sample.  This time pathology came back with Large B-Cell malignant Lymphoma.
  • Okay, what does that oncologist said the original cancer had transformed and was now aggressive at a Stage III, above and below my diaphragm. (I won't write what my mind said when I heard those words, but use your imagination!) 
Now that I have brought you up to date:  Look at my picture, is that what an ill person looks like?  Well I can only say, don't judge a book by it's cover! 

I go to the hospital tomorrow, Feb. 21 to have a new port-a-cath put in, my previous one occluded at the end of my last chemo.  Then on Wed., Feb 22, I have the R-CHOP chemo as they affectionately call it.  I will keep you posted, so until then God Bless You All!


  1. Hey Babe, congratulations on your New Blog Spot. I hope our family and friends can stay connected to follow your journey. I will enjoy following your posts. Love you, Bill

    1. Thank you. You know nothing would be possible without you by my side. We thrive on each others love and respect. I always know you will be on my side, even when I am just a little "grumpy!" Love you so much.

  2. Great start on your blog, Glenda. We all will be hanging on every word that you write. Just know that there are hordes of people out there who are ardently rooting for you. Do not give up. Please. We love you.

    1. You know me, I am too hard headed to ever give up, just not going to happen! Love you.

  3. Way to go, Glenda! I agree with Serge in that we will be logging in when we wake up and before we go to bed just to stay "in touch" with you! We will never leave your side! We love you too much.

  4. No, you sure don't look like an ill person, but your beauty will still be there when all the side effects are doing their thing because we're looking with HOPE to things down the road when the stem cells rescue you and bring you back to health. You are in our daily prayers, and when you feel lousy--be grumpy. It's your right. Best wishes to both of you, our very special friends for life.

    1. I am confident Carol that with the help of God and the Stem Cell Transplant, I will win this battle. Thank you so much for your prayers. It means so much to me just knowing I have friends and family praying for me to get healthy again, and I will, I have no doubt. Love you and Lewis.

  5. stay strong in your mind and body! stay postive! always believe!
    peace comes from within so let the peace inside you help you through this journey. this is just a little pot hole in life and you are climbing up a beautiful mountain to reach the top to be cancer free. pam

  6. Thinking of you today, you strong woman. All day you've been surrounded by a host of loved ones thinking of you and sending good vibes to cheer you on your way.

  7. Glenda, I am really sorry you got shingles, because I know first hand how painful they are! Boy, you're gonna have a lot of laurels to rest on when you're finished with cancer treatment and can go on with having fun during senior fun years. Where are the lesions? Mine were around the waist. Love the pic of the chicken; you are too kind to animals at a time like this! Ha, ha.
